Technology solutions built around artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G offer the most immediate opportunities for tech firms to generate new business and revenue. Top 10 emerging Technologies including
Artificial Intelligence
Until then we have narrow AI, which are systems that perform very specific tasks. That may seem too limited, but narrow AI already powers systems like SPAM filters, Google Maps, & virtual assistants such as Siri. & its use cases are projected to diversify even more.
Chatbots, logistics, self-driving cars, virtual nursing assistants, personalized textbooks & tutors, & even artificial creativity: These are just a few of the applications that narrow AI can improve or bring to light in the coming years.
Biometrics allows a system to recognize users by biological markers such as their face, voice, or fingerprint. Many people already have one or several of these on their laptops & smartphones, but as the technology improves & becomes more ubiquitous, it may finally end the password paradigm.
For these reasons, biometrics promises much-needed security of sensitive data. A fingerprint is much more difficult to hack with raw computational power than a password, & that difficulty is increased by magnitudes when multiple markers are used in tandem.
Introducing robots into a workplace can be a complex & dynamic undertaking. While it may start with workers feeling like their jobs are being threatened, the end result is a warehouse full of happier, healthier humans who remain the centerpiece of a competitive business
5G & the Internet of Things
5G networks may ultimately be 100 times faster than 4G, allowing many more devices to connect, reducing latency to practically zero, & providing more reliable signals.
This wireless technology will provide the backbone for the internet of things (IoT), which will expand the power of the internet beyond computers & across a wide range of objects, processes, & environments. The IoT is the keystone technology for such futuristic scenes as smart cities, robot-driven agriculture, & self-driving highway systems.
For businesses, this one-two combo will continue recent trends & power them to the next level. Remote offices become more dependable under the 5G paradigm, & real-time data sharing of, say, live events or desktop captures will be seamless. As for the IoT, it helps remove intermediate steps that bog down productivity. Why have someone waste their time collecting data from the factory floor when the factory floor can collect, curate, & send it to them
Augmented/Virtual Reality
With hardware costs lowering, processing power increasing, & high-profile players such as Google & Facebook entering the game, virtual reality's day may have finally come. & the more widespread acceptance of augmented reality apps in smartphones may make such technologies an easier sell moving forward.
The recently announced Microsoft Mesh & its competitors hope to capitalize on our new remote-work era. The concept combines these "mixed-reality" technologies to create virtual shared spaces that business teams can use to hold meetings or work on projects.
This technology can revolutionize the customer experience in retail. Customers could, for example, try clothes on a virtual avatar or sit in their amphitheater seats before making a purchase.
Natural Language Processing
Natural language processing is a subfield of AI that aims to develop systems that can analyze & communicate through human language.
Algorithms aren't so lucky. They have trouble parsing the eclectic hodgepodge of symbols, gestures, sounds, & cultural cues that we use to express meaning & ideas.
There's an obvious problem with applying deep learning to language. It's that words are arbitrary symbols, & as such they are fundamentally different from imagery. Two words can be similar in meaning while containing completely different letters, for instance; & the same word can mean various things in different contexts
When algorithms finally crack language, the business use cases will be substantial. Think chatbots, virtual editors, market analysis, instant translation of live conversations, resume readers, & phone auto-attendants that don't send every caller into a rage.
Blockchain is decentralized. The permanent record is not stored in one location but exists on nodes spread across the system. This design makes it difficult to lose records or tamper with them.
Blockchain systems are effectively censorship proof or seizure resistant. No third party can suddenly, accidentally erase your data, or you can't hack a third party to access your data
Blockchain could be used by hospitals to store & share health records. It could underpin a secure online voting platform. It could track logistics across international supply chains. &, of course, there are numerous applications for cybersecurity, too.
Serverless Computing
Serverless computing isn't truly "serverless." Sans tapping into some seriously dark arts, it's impossible to provide computational resources without a physical server somewhere. Instead, this technology distributes those resources more effectively. When an application is not in use, no resources are allocated. When they are needed, the computing power auto-scales.
This technological shift means companies no longer need to worry over infrastructure or reserving bandwidth, which in turn promises the golden ticket of ease of use & cost savings.
One of the beauties of this architecture is that you get charged by the cloud provider only when a service runs. You don't need to pay for idle capacity—or even think about capacity. Basically, the runtime sits idle waiting for an event to occur, whereupon the appropriate function gets swapped into the runtime & executes. So you can build out a big, complex application without incurring charges for anything until execution occurs."
Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is "the exploitation of collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition & entanglement, to perform computation., It solves problems faster & more accurately—in some cases, ones that stump even modern supercomputers.
We can expect quantum computers to become the backbone for the emerging technologies IBM has announced plans to build a 1,000 qubit version by 2023
Adoption of this technology could make big data more manageable. It may make currently intractable problems manageable, such as those faced in the processing of natural language.
The innovation that will be delivered by these technologies, when they're leveraged in tandem, will be staggering over the next few years & will enable customer solutions that will actually have paradigm shifting impact for those that act on them,